TUMI Inclusive Urban Mobility


Through a citizen-driven process, Kota Kita and our local partners in Banjarmasin, Indonesia implemented three participatory pilot projects as a model of urban inclusivity that is safe and accessible for all. The model neighborhood located in the Gadang sub-district of Banjarmasin includes three features to address specific challenges in the area: a safe and inclusive school zone, a three-wheelers prototype as an alternative mobility option and a new inclusive economy for persons with disabilities, and community-led waste management.

  • Safe and Inclusive School Zone

This project aims to address traffic problems that exist in inclusive school zones to improve the safety and accessibility of the sidewalks, parking area, drop-off, and pick-up areas for all. This pilot was implemented in two inclusive schools in the neighborhood of Gadang in Banjarmasin: SDN Gadang 2 Banjarmasin and SMPN 10 Banjarmasin. The Safe School Zone was co-designed in a participatory process with students from both schools and relevant stakeholders in order to understand their aspirations and points of view and genuinely make the space inclusive for all.

  • Inclusive Mobility as New Economy

This project aims to improve mobility accessibility through the retrofitting of three-wheeled motorbikes that can be used by persons with disabilities as new and inclusive mobility services in Banjarmasin. This process involved collaboration with existing three-wheeler ride-hailing services Difabike from Yogyakarta, official technical workshops, universities, and vocational schools in Banjarmasin. The design and construction of the three-wheelers also involved persons with disabilities who are the beneficiaries of the retrofitted three-wheeled motorcycles.

  • Community-led Waste Management

This project aims to improve community-based waste management in the Gadang neighborhood, which is located near the pilot area of the School Safe Zone. We redesigned the waste management building and collaborated with the neighborhood residents through education, awareness-raising, and community-building activities to create a more sustainable system for managing waste.

With a citizen-driven process and a multi-stakeholder approach, the Inclusive Banjarmasin: Safe and Inclusive Neighborhood for All has provided an effective entry point to raise the awareness of local community groups on the importance of accessibility in the neighborhood while exposing Banjarmasin government officials to inclusive approaches in city building. As of December 2021, the Transportation Agency of Banjarmasin is planning to implement the Safe School Zones concept in five schools in the city, and has committed to adding more Safe School Zones to create a safer and more inclusive school environment for all.

Explore the neighborhood here: www.inclusivebanjarmasin.id