Kota Kita’s 2023 Snapshots
As we step into February, we take a look back on the milestones that Kota Kita has achieved in 2023.
Read MoreJejak Kreasi: Mural Partisipatif untuk Solo Kota Inklusi
Kota Kita, Gerkatin Solo, dan Ruang Atas berkolaborasi dalam Kreativitas dalam Partisipasi untuk Solo Kota Inklusi (KREASI)untuk menyelenggarakan rangkaian aktivitas berbasis seni partisipatif yang menghasilkan mural di 3 titik ruang publik di Solo.
Read MoreTelusur Tangguh: Kisah Pak Sutarjo di Tambaklorok, Semarang
Dampak krisis iklim, seperti perubahan cuaca yang semakin tak menentu dan kenaikan muka air laut, sudah nyata dihadapi masyarakat pesisir. Tantangan ini pun diperparah oleh tekanan pembangunan lain seperti ekstraksi air tanah yang berlebihan.
Read MoreWhat does the ideal safe space look like for women?
A more gendered perspective is vital for urban design and planning to find more nuanced solutions, and it starts with letting women have a say about the space around them. What does the ideal safe space look like for women?
Read MoreLearning from the Deaf Community, One Lesson at a Time
As I was interning at Kota Kita, I got the chance to meet new friends from Gerkatin Solo, a deaf youth community. It was through three sessions of public discussions on how to build a more disability-inclusive city.
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